Children’s Dentistry at 3Dental
Simona Kostova Explains Children's Dentistry At 3Dental

Children’s Dentistry at 3Dental

Children’s Dentistry at 3Dental
Simona Kostova Explains Children's Dentistry At 3Dental

We provide a wide range of dental treatments for children including:

3Dental facilitates children of all ages and cases of all complexities.

Our goal at the end of the treatment is to ensure that your child feels comfortable in the environment and will happily return!

A Visit To The Dentist Should Be Fun!

A Visit To The Dentist Should Be Fun!

A Visit To The Dentist Should Be Fun!

We have qualified general dentists with a special interest in paediatric dentistry who are highly experienced and passionate about working with children.

We do our best to remove any fears your child may have and aim to make every appointment fun!

Plushies and stickers go a long way in making your child comfortable in the dentist's chair!

We realize that visiting a dentist can bring up a range of emotions in a child (and perhaps some anxiety), so we work at their pace and only perform treatments they are comfortable with to ensure a happy and pain-free experience.

State Of The Art Equipment

State Of The Art Equipment

State Of The Art Equipment

We pride ourselves on our state-of-the-art technology, which has allows us to provide high-quality dental treatments.

We use prime scans and a magnitude of x-rays ranging from Orthopantomogram dental X-Ray, Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) to Intra-oral radiography.

We use a modern system for our patient portals, which keeps all of our patient information secure and links in with the iPad for medical history forms and consent.


A positive dental environment

Friendly, helpful staff

All disciplines of dentistry available in all of our clinics

Dentistry for all ages

Three convenient locations in Dublin, Limerick and Galway

Affordable payment plans are available

Modern and spacious clinics

We offer free consultations

Children's Dentistry Treatments

  • Initial Consultation
  • Children’s Orthodontics
  • Fissure Sealants
  • Oral Hygiene & Baby Teeth
  • Treatment For Baby Teeth
  • Aftercare
Initial Consultation
Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is the first step in building a trusting relationship with your child's dentist!

During the consultation, your dentist will assess how many baby and adult teeth are present and if there is any decay on the teeth.

Then we will take any necessary x-rays, including an OPG or periapicals, depending on each case.

Your child's dentist will create a suitable treatment plan, and you can book the treatment according to your child’s needs and ability to handle treatment.

Children’s Orthodontics
Children’s Orthodontics

Children’s Orthodontics

We recommend you bring your child for an orthodontic assessment between 8-9 years old. This is the ideal age as the child's jaws are still developing and will have a mix of adult and baby teeth.

Before age 14, a child's bone is softer and more pliable. In some cases, a pre-orthodontic appliance is needed before placing the braces. Between 8-9 years old is the ideal age for this treatment to be decided.

Fissure Sealants
Fissure Sealants

Fissure Sealants

The first adult (permanent) molar teeth erupt at the age of six. We recommend that these first four molars receive fissure sealants as soon as they erupt to protect the teeth from developing decay.

Fissure sealants are a safe and pain-free treatment to protect your child's oral health. Fissure sealants are a thin layer of white material applied to the chewing surfaces of the teeth and cured with a light.

We fissure seal the first molars as the child is usually too young to brush to optimal standards and is probably eating sweets and chocolates. These teeth must last a lifetime; therefore, early prevention is the key to long-term survival!

Oral Hygiene & Baby Teeth
Oral Hygiene & Baby Teeth

Oral Hygiene & Baby Teeth

Oral hygiene is crucial for all ages. Good oral health for children includes:

  • Reducing the child's sugar intake
  • Preventative measures such as fissure sealants
  • Regular visits to the dentist
  • Brushing teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and following the age guidelines below in terms of toothpaste
  • Children under two should not be using fluoridated toothpaste; only water and a toothbrush are necessary. 
  • For children aged two to six years, use a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste (1,000ppm) 
  • For children older than six, use a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste (1,450ppm) 
  • We recommend that parents supervise tooth brushing until their children are seven years of age
Treatment For Baby Teeth
Treatment For Baby Teeth

Treatment For Baby Teeth

We offer a variety of treatments for baby teeth here at 3Dental. These include fillings, stainless steel crowns, partial pulpotomy, extractions of baby teeth, resin infiltration and regular check-ups.

Please visit your dentist for a free consultation.



Aftercare for children following the dentist would be to continue with a high standard at-home oral hygiene routine and visit the dentist regularly as the child's teeth develop.

Your child may require pain relief following extractions. We advise that you give your child Calpol and Nurofen as you would normally.

What Our Patients Say

I'm really glad we've chosen 3Dental to get our daughter's braces!

The clinic is very modern, everyone is very friendly and professional. If you are considering dental work I really recommend getting in touch with them.

Roberta Von Meding (Kids Braces)
Watch Now
Roberta testimonial kids braces 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I've been here plenty of times and I've always had great service!

I recently received treatment for my chipped tooth. I've been very happy with the service!

Michael (Chipped Tooth Repair)
Watch Now
Chipped Tooth Repair - Michael - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I can't stop smiling! I can't stop taking pictures!

I feel absolutely amazing. You can keep your natural teeth and get this amazing look (dental bonding). It's such a confidence boost!

Lee O'Reilly (Composite Bonding)
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lee composite bonding testimonial Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

Why did I put this off for so long?!

It's definitely changed the way I feel. I feel delighted now with them! I'd never show my teeth (previously). And now I can smile!

Denise (6 Month Braces & Composite Bonding)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I was so much more confident!

I was so much more confident after getting my braces done. It makes such a big difference to your face and your teeth in general. You just feel so much happier and you are more conscious of minding your teeth. They are so worth it!

Louise Collins (6 Month Braces)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental Watch Video
Roberta testimonial kids braces 3Dental
Chipped Tooth Repair - Michael - 3Dental
lee composite bonding testimonial
6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental

What Our Patients Say

I was so much more confident!

I was so much more confident after getting my braces done. It makes such a big difference to your face and your teeth in general. You just feel so much happier and you are more conscious of minding your teeth. They are so worth it!

Louise Collins (6 Month Braces)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

Why did I put this off for so long?!

It's definitely changed the way I feel. I feel delighted now with them! I'd never show my teeth (previously). And now I can smile!

Denise (6 Month Braces & Composite Bonding)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I'm really glad we've chosen 3Dental to get our daughter's braces!

The clinic is very modern, everyone is very friendly and professional. If you are considering dental work I really recommend getting in touch with them.

Roberta Von Meding (Kids Braces)
Watch Now
Roberta testimonial kids braces 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I've been here plenty of times and I've always had great service!

I recently received treatment for my chipped tooth. I've been very happy with the service!

Michael (Chipped Tooth Repair)
Watch Now
Chipped Tooth Repair - Michael - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I can't stop smiling! I can't stop taking pictures!

I feel absolutely amazing. You can keep your natural teeth and get this amazing look (dental bonding). It's such a confidence boost!

Lee O'Reilly (Composite Bonding)
Watch Now
lee composite bonding testimonial Watch Video
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental
Roberta testimonial kids braces 3Dental
Chipped Tooth Repair - Michael - 3Dental
lee composite bonding testimonial

Commonly Asked Questions

When should I start bringing my child to the dentist?

We recommend that you bring your child to the dentist as soon as their first teeth appear to allow the dentist to examine them and create a healthy rapport to help the child feel comfortable visiting the dentist.

For an orthodontic assessment, the ideal age is between 8-9 years.

When should I start brushing my child's teeth?

We recommend that you initially begin cleaning your child's gums with some damp gauze, especially after the night feed, in order for the child to get used to the sensation of brushing.

As soon as the first teeth have come up, it would be best if you started brushing your child's teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice daily. Early brushing is the key to preventing decay and building good habits.

What is a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist is a dentist that solely focuses on providing care for children till the age of 12 or until they have lost all of their baby teeth.

Why do my child's upper and lower teeth not come together?

For several reasons, your child's upper and lower teeth may not come together.

Malocclusion, thumb-sucking habits, open bite or misaligned teeth would be the most common causes.

What is considered a dental emergency?

Any situation that makes you feel unsettled or anxious regarding your child's teeth or oral health is a dental emergency, including, but not limited to:

  • Pain that causes waking at night or disruption to your child's routine
  • Fever from a toothache
  • Your child has stopped eating due to the severity of the pain

If you have a dental emergency, please phone the 3Dental clinic nearest you, and we can advise you.

Should I get my child to floss their teeth?

Flossing is a great habit to be gained early on as it will help prevent decay and gum disease. It would help if you got your child to floss their teeth by themselves around the same time they can tie their shoes.

How important are baby teeth?

Baby teeth are crucial for your child's health and development. Baby teeth help your child speak, chew and smile. They also play an essential role in maintaining space in the mouth to allow the bigger adult teeth to grow into.

Improper care of baby teeth leads to early loss and space closure which in turn causes crowding problems that will require orthodontic treatment in the future.

My child's teeth appear to have black marks - What is this?

Black marks on the biting surface of the tooth could have several causes, such as certain staining foods & drinks, medications, tooth decay or a buildup of plaque resulting in dark-coloured tartar.

Is children's dentistry free?

A child's general check-up costs only €40, ensuring their oral health is in great shape.

However, if they require specialised care, such as a consultation for braces, we're delighted to offer the initial consultation for free.

You should book your child's first appointment for a general check-up when the first baby tooth erupts.

Early dental visits are essential for the child and dentist to build a rapport and make future treatment more pleasant.

Ready for the Next Step? Book A Free Consultation For Your Child!

Our team of experienced dentists are waiting to hear from you. Book a free consultation today.

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