Coloured Braces - What’s The Big Deal?

Coloured Braces - What’s The Big Deal?

Coloured Braces - What’s The Big Deal?

Wearing braces is typically considered an awkward phase where you can’t entirely avoid drawing attention to your teeth. 

While that’s yet to change, it’s still not enough to stop you from having fun with your braces!

Many people, young and adult alike, choose coloured braces, allowing them to add a splash of colour to a traditionally awkward experience.

In this video, one of our dental nurses, Hallie Ridgeway explains the process around braces at 3Dental.

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How Do Coloured Braces Work?

How Do Coloured Braces Work?

How Do Coloured Braces Work?

These braces are just like typical braces, and the only difference is that the elastic ties holding the archwire in place are a different colour. 

The archwire exerts pressure on misaligned teeth, slowly pulling them into desirable positions. 

Coloured braces won’t affect the duration of your treatment - which may take six months to thirty six months, depending on your teeth and choice of brackets.

Coloured Braces Cost

Coloured Braces Cost

Coloured Braces Cost

The cost of getting coloured braces is the same as that of regular braces. We charge between €1,540 and €4,950 depending on the severity of your teeth’s misalignment. 

We also offer payment plans on treatments over €1,000.

You can pay the balance over the course of your treatment with a minimum monthly payment of €150. We also offer easy monthly payment plans in partnership with humm.

We also offer free consultations so you can come in and get all your questions answered!

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What Coloured Braces Can You Get?

What Coloured Braces Can You Get?

What Coloured Braces Can You Get?

When you get your braces placed or tightened, your dentist will show you colour options.

There are traditional solid and pastel colours, including grey, pearl and silver, white and clear, bright neon colours, metallic shades, and even glow-in-the-dark elastic ties. The choice of colour is entirely up to you.

You can choose subtle colours, contrasting ones, those that match the brackets or turn your smile into a full rainbow!

Whilst we try to accommodate your preferences, not all colours and patterns will be available all the time. Your dentist will guide you through the options and help you choose the colours or patterns that best reflect your personality and style.


A Colourful Approach To Traditional Braces!

Straighter Teeth And A More Confident Smile

Flexible Payment Options

We Offer Free Consultations

Proudly Smile For Photographs

Suitable For Kids And Adults!

6 Month Solution Available

Conveniently Located in Dublin, Limerick and Galway

The Procedure For Getting Coloured Braces

  • Initial Consultation
  • Getting Your Braces Fitted
  • Tenderness and Discomfort
  • Aftercare Routine
  • Regular Visits
Initial Consultation
Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

You’ll hold an initial consultation session with your dentist during your first visit. At this appointment, you can discuss your dental and overall cosmetic goals.

Your dentist will also thoroughly examine your teeth and prepare a treatment plan that best fits your needs.

The consultation session is generally a good time to ask the dentist to look at the colour choices. That way, you won’t have to make a rash colour decision on the day of the procedure.

Getting Your Braces Fitted
Getting Your Braces Fitted

Getting Your Braces Fitted

Your dentist will thoroughly clean and dry your teeth. They will then apply small amounts of dental adhesive to the centre of each tooth and use UV light to set the glue.

The next step involves attaching a bracket - a small metal or ceramic singular brace that holds the archwire in place - to the centre of each tooth.

Finally, the dentist attaches the archwire to the brackets.

They wrap a small elastic tie around each bracket, holding the wire in place. The elastic bands used will be of your preferred colour(s).

Depending on your case, getting your braces done can take up to an hour. Some parts of the procedure may involve some twisting and pressure, which may be slightly uncomfortable, but overall, it won’t hurt.

Tenderness and Discomfort
Tenderness and Discomfort

Tenderness and Discomfort

An hour or two after the procedure, you may start feeling some discomfort in your mouth that may last for the next few days. For relief, we recommend paracetamol.

You may also experience soreness and tenderness in places where brackets rub against the insides of your cheeks. With time, this will get better, but your dentist may also give you some wax to help deal with it.

Dental wax creates a barrier which prevents further irritation and allows time for the mouth to heal. At 3Dental, we offer dental wax, free of charge, at any time.

Once your mouth has adapted to the braces, you shouldn't experience any more pain, discomfort, or tenderness.

Aftercare Routine
Aftercare Routine

Aftercare Routine

Your dentist will advise you on the best aftercare routine for your coloured braces. Overall, it is best to consume soft, easy to eat foods to minimise soreness while chewing.

These include yoghurt, fish, oatmeal, smoothies, soft-cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes and soft fruits like bananas and berries.

You should avoid foods like nuts, popcorns, hard candies, caramel, and corn on the cob for as long as you have braces. These are hard, chewy, and sticky foods that can pop your brackets.

Your dentist will provide you with a new dental care routine to help prevent stains and cavities on your teeth.

Regular Visits
Regular Visits

Regular Visits

We will schedule regular visits with your dentist so they can monitor your progress and make adjustments to your braces.

These adjustments are how your dentist guides your teeth into the desired alignment. At these tightening appointments, you may be able to change the colour of your elastic bands if you want.

What Our Patients Say

My teeth were just a little bit off and now, they're just perfect. I love them!

I had 6 month clear braces and some composite bonding. I'm really happy with the finished results! I would 100% recommend 3Dental!

Orla (6 Month Braces)
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Orla testimonial - braces & bonding - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I just got my Invisalign aligners fitted and I'm so happy to have them!

I looked at 3Dental's social media and thought the results were amazing! They (the Invisalign aligners) just blend in straight away!

Jill Connolly (Invisalign)
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Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I had 6 month braces, teeth whitening and bonding.

It's (braces and bonding) really massively changed my life. I didn't realise how much more confidence would come with having a straight white smile.

Danielle Farrell (Braces & Bonding)
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6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

Transformed smile.

I had 6 month braces. They transformed my smile because I wasn't happy with my smile. I was super happy with the results!

Calvin Hayes (6 Month Braces)
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6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I've recommended 3Dental to a lot of my friends and family members.

I found the staff to be extremely friendly, very outgoing, very professional, and it's a very warm environment to be in. Not like your usual dentist experience!

Donna Marie (6 Month Braces)
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6 month braces testimonial - donna marie - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I was so much more confident!

I was so much more confident after getting my braces done. It makes such a big difference to your face and your teeth in general. You just feel so much happier and you are more conscious of minding your teeth. They are so worth it!

Louise Collins (6 Month Braces)
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6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental Watch Video
Orla testimonial - braces & bonding - 3Dental
Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental
6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - donna marie - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental

What Our Patients Say

Transformed smile.

I had 6 month braces. They transformed my smile because I wasn't happy with my smile. I was super happy with the results!

Calvin Hayes (6 Month Braces)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I was so much more confident!

I was so much more confident after getting my braces done. It makes such a big difference to your face and your teeth in general. You just feel so much happier and you are more conscious of minding your teeth. They are so worth it!

Louise Collins (6 Month Braces)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I just got my Invisalign aligners fitted and I'm so happy to have them!

I looked at 3Dental's social media and thought the results were amazing! They (the Invisalign aligners) just blend in straight away!

Jill Connolly (Invisalign)
Watch Now
Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

My teeth were just a little bit off and now, they're just perfect. I love them!

I had 6 month clear braces and some composite bonding. I'm really happy with the finished results! I would 100% recommend 3Dental!

Orla (6 Month Braces)
Watch Now
Orla testimonial - braces & bonding - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I had 6 month braces, teeth whitening and bonding.

It's (braces and bonding) really massively changed my life. I didn't realise how much more confidence would come with having a straight white smile.

Danielle Farrell (Braces & Bonding)
Watch Now
6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I've recommended 3Dental to a lot of my friends and family members.

I found the staff to be extremely friendly, very outgoing, very professional, and it's a very warm environment to be in. Not like your usual dentist experience!

Donna Marie (6 Month Braces)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - donna marie - 3dental Watch Video
6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental
Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental
Orla testimonial - braces & bonding - 3Dental
6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - donna marie - 3dental

Commonly Asked Questions

Do Coloured Braces Cost More?

No. Coloured braces cost the same as regular braces.

The price range is between €1,540 and €4,950, depending on how much movement is needed and the duration of treatment.

What Is The Best Colour For Braces?

That’s entirely up to you. However, some colours may make your teeth look whiter, yellower, or stained, depending on the current condition of your teeth.

Your dentist will be able to advise you on colour options.

How Should I Choose The Colour Of My Braces?

You can take several approaches, but consider the following:

  • Your diet: Do you drink a lot of coffee, red wine, or eat berries? Do you smoke? If so, note that these could stain lighter band colours. 
  • Your complexion and fashion style: These should help you decide which colours compliment your looks and preferred type of clothing.  
  • The shade of your teeth: Depending on how white your teeth are, some colours may make them look whiter or more off-coloured.  

People who take a lot of colourful foods and drinks may want to avoid white and clear elastic ties since they are more susceptible to staining and could give your teeth a discoloured appearance. 

The same applies if you drink wine and coffee or smoke regularly. To stay safe, choose bands that blend in with the metal bracket.

What Colour Braces Are Bad For Yellow Teeth?

If your teeth are yellow, you might decide against white, yellow, and golden coloured elastics.

These accentuate the natural yellow of the teeth, making them appear more yellow.

Can I Get Coloured Braces?

Yes, you can. There is no limit as to who can have fun with their smile.

What Are The Best Colours For Dark Skin?

Darker jewel colours like violet, navy blue, emerald, and turquoise complement darker skin and hair. 

What Are The Braces Colours To Avoid?

Depend on your teeth, but generally, avoid dark green and dark blue.

These can look like vegetables stuck in your teeth from a distance, and yellow and golden braces may also look like stains from a distance. Yellow may also be a poor choice if you have a fair complexion. 

Additionally, red may sometimes be a poor choice if, for example, you have gum inflammation or redness, or if your teeth are discoloured.


Can I Change The Colour In The Future?

You can always change the colour of your braces every time you visit the dentist for an adjustment every 6 to 8 weeks, giving you the freedom to experiment with different colours and colour combinations. 

If you’re sceptical, start with a low-key elastic tie and gradually experiment as your confidence grows.

Is Coloured Braces Available Near Me?

Yes! We provide coloured braces in each of our three clinics - Dublin, Limerick and Galway.

Book your free consultation today! We look forward to welcoming you in person soon :)

How can I best show off my coloured braces?

There are many steps you can take to smile confidently while wearing your coloured braces:

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Maintain a thorough routine to clean your teeth and braces. Brush and floss regularly, and consider using interdental brushes or water flossers to clean around the brackets and wires.
  • Embrace your braces: Remember that braces are a temporary part of your journey to a beautiful smile. Embrace them as a symbol of progress and transformation.
  • Show your personality: Use coloured elastic bands to personalise your braces and make them a fun accessory. Choose colours that complement your style or clear bands for a more subtle look.
  • Maintain good posture: Stand tall and maintain good posture while smiling, bringing out your natural confidence and enhancing your overall appearance.

How can I prevent my coloured braces staining or fading over time?

Coloured braces can fade and stain if not maintained. Here is how to reduce the chances of this happening:
  • Clean your teeth after meals. Good oral hygiene removes food particles and plaque which can stain your braces.
  • Avoid coffee, tea, red wine, berries, tomato sauce, and dark coloured liquids.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid home remedies involving the use of abrasive materials or chemicals.

What coloured braces should I choose to make my teeth look whiter?

Some braces colour selections can create the illusion of whiter or less white teeth. Here's how different colours can affect the appearance of teeth:

  • Light or clear colours: lighter shades like silver, clear, or white braces tend to make teeth appear brighter and can create a more subtle look. Be careful, these shades can contrast with any tooth discolouration and draw attention to it. These colours are also more prone to staining.
  • Dark colours: Darker shades like black, dark blue, or dark purple braces can provide a contrast against the teeth, making them appear whiter by comparison. These colours can help camouflage any yellowing or staining on the teeth.
  • Warm tones: Colours with warm undertones, such as red, orange, or pink, can give the teeth a slightly warmer appearance, which can help downplay any cool undertones or minor discolouration.
  • Cool tones: Colours with cool undertones, such as blue, green, or violet, can counteract any yellowish tint on the teeth, making them appear brighter and whiter.

It's important to note that the effect of brace colours on the overall appearance of teeth may vary from person to person.

Factors like natural tooth colour, lighting conditions, and individual smile characteristics can influence the perceived whiteness of teeth with different brace colours.

It's always a good idea to consult with your orthodontist to choose the most flattering brace colours that suit your preferences and desired outcome.

Ready for the Next Step? Book Your Free Consultation

Take the first step to straighter teeth. Book a free consultation today.

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