Fixed Orthodontic Appliances (or Train Tracks!)

Fixed Orthodontic Appliances (or Train Tracks!)

Fixed Orthodontic Appliances (or Train Tracks!)

Train track braces are a system of metal brackets placed on the teeth and connected with a wire to straighten teeth and correct other orthodontic issues. Because the brackets and connecting wire resemble train tracks, they have been given that endearing nickname.

We glue one bracket to the surface of each tooth. Using archwires (the wire that runs between the brackets), we apply tension to the teeth, moving them into the optimal position.

Train track braces can be used to adjust the position, angle (rotation) and alignment of the teeth. With train track braces, we can straighten crooked teeth, correct some malocclusions, correct the bite in some cases and level the smile line.

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The Cost Of Train Track Braces

The Cost Of Train Track Braces

The Cost Of Train Track Braces

The cost of train track braces for adults are as follows:

  • Single arch from €2,420
  • Double arch for mild cases from €3,850
  • Double arch for moderate cases from €4,400
  • Double arch for severe cases from €4,950

View all our orthodontic prices on our price list page.

We offer different payment plans depending on the orthodontic treatment required. You can view all of our orthodontic payment plans on our pricing pageWe also offer finance plans in partnership with humm.

Book Your Free Consultation
How Long Will You Have To Wear Train Tracks?

How Long Will You Have To Wear Train Tracks?

How Long Will You Have To Wear Train Tracks?

With braces, every case is different. The length of time you will be wearing your braces depends on your teeth and what issues we need to fix. Your orthodontist can give you a time estimate at the consultation and let you know how long your treatment should take.

The placement of braces is not uncomfortable. A few hours after having the braces placed, you may experience some tenderness that can last for three to five days.

Throughout your treatment, you may feel discomfort or soreness for a couple of days immediately after your braces adjustment appointment. This is when the majority of the movement will occur.

Train Track Braces vs Invisalign

Train Track Braces vs Invisalign

Train Track Braces vs Invisalign

Invisalign can adjust your teeth just like train track braces and correct your bite and alignment. In some cases, Invisalign can be used to treat more complex issues. However, Invisalign is not suitable for all patients.

We will need to correct these cases using traditional train track braces. At your free consultation, your dentist will be able to advise you whether or not Invisalign is a suitable option to get the result you want or if train track braces would be better.

At this appointment, your dentist will also be able to tell you how long you should expect your orthodontic treatment to take with Invisalign or traditional braces.

The cost of invisalign is comparable to typical train track braces treatments, although train track braces can vary more in price. 

Benefits Of Train Track Braces

Smile With Confidence Again

Correctly Aligns The Bite

Improves Appearance

Metal And Transparent Brackets & Different Coloured Bands Are Available

Fixes Orthodontic Issues Like Overjets, Diastemata, Crossbites And Others

Easy & Affordable Payment Plans Are Available

Clinics In Dublin, Limerick, and Galway

We Offer Free Initial Consultations That Include A Complimentary OPG (X-Ray)

What Is The Process For Train Track Braces?

  • Initial Consultation
  • Fitting The Braces
  • Regular Checkups
  • Removing the Braces
  • Smile Maintenance
Initial Consultation
Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

At 3Dental, we take an X-ray (OPG) to assess the bone and teeth. After we have taken your X-ray, you will have a consultation. Your dentist will then evaluate your teeth and provide you with a treatment plan.

Along with treatment details, your treatment plan will include price, how long you should expect to be in treatment and payment plan options available for you. Here you can discuss any additional questions or concerns you have.

The cost of this x-ray is included in the overall cost of your chosen braces treatment.

Fitting The Braces
Fitting The Braces

Fitting The Braces

Your first appointment will be a records appointment where we take pictures and impressions of your teeth. After we have your records, we can place the braces.

During the placement of the brackets, we do not use any electronic tools like drills, and no injections are required. We only use air and water to clean and dry the teeth.

This appointment usually takes between 20-30 minutes. You can choose between metal braces, braces with coloured bands or clear (ceramic) braces.

Once we place the braces, we will give you specific instructions on how to take care of them and some foods you should avoid.

Regular Checkups
Regular Checkups

Regular Checkups

We usually give the patient two appointments to fit upper and lower braces, so you may need an adjustment between these appointments.

Routine checkups are generally between 4-6 weeks apart. At these appointments, adjustments are made to the braces to tighten them. Some adjustments require wire changes. At some point in your treatment, you may need to have a bracket repositioned.

Monthly adjustment appointments typically take around 10-20 minutes. At this appointment, your dentist will advise you when to schedule your next visit.

Removing the Braces
Removing the Braces

Removing the Braces

Our expert dentists remove train track braces easily and painlessly. Here is how we do it:
  • Evaluation: your dentist will check your teeth's alignment before removing the braces.
  • Bracket removal: the dentist will remove each bracket using specialised pliers.
  • Adhesive removal: next, we remove any residual adhesive or bonding material. This leaves teeth smooth and residue-free.
  • Polish: we then shine your teeth to remove any stains or marks from orthodontic treatment.
  • Retainer: we will fit a retainer. This detachable device keeps your teeth aligned after orthodontic treatment. We may recommend a fixed wire retainer behind your teeth.
Removing train track braces usually takes one appointment and is painless.
Your dentist will take the time to explain the procedure and post-treatment care.
Smile Maintenance
Smile Maintenance

Smile Maintenance

After you have completed your braces or Invisalign treatment, your orthodontist will discuss options for long term retention. There is a choice of having either removable retainers or fixed lingual (behind the teeth) retainers.

Retention is for life to stabilize and maintain your perfectly aligned smile. You will continue to see your orthodontist every six months to make sure everything has been well maintained.

It is essential to keep up with your regular hygiene appointments and attend checkups every six months.

What Our Patients Say

I was so much more confident!

I was so much more confident after getting my braces done. It makes such a big difference to your face and your teeth in general. You just feel so much happier and you are more conscious of minding your teeth. They are so worth it!

Louise Collins (6 Month Braces)
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6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

Why did I put this off for so long?!

It's definitely changed the way I feel. I feel delighted now with them! I'd never show my teeth (previously). And now I can smile!

Denise (6 Month Braces & Composite Bonding)
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6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

10 years later, I'm still going to 3Dental

It's an enjoyment coming here to the dentist. It's a very laid back, very comfortable, very friendly and very fun place to attend.

Paul Fitzgerald (Invisalign)
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invisalign testimonial - paul fitzgerald - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I just got my Invisalign aligners fitted and I'm so happy to have them!

I looked at 3Dental's social media and thought the results were amazing! They (the Invisalign aligners) just blend in straight away!

Jill Connolly (Invisalign)
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Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I had 6 month braces, teeth whitening and bonding.

It's (braces and bonding) really massively changed my life. I didn't realise how much more confidence would come with having a straight white smile.

Danielle Farrell (Braces & Bonding)
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6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

Transformed smile.

I had 6 month braces. They transformed my smile because I wasn't happy with my smile. I was super happy with the results!

Calvin Hayes (6 Month Braces)
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6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental Watch Video
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental
invisalign testimonial - paul fitzgerald - 3dental
Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental
6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental

What Our Patients Say

Transformed smile.

I had 6 month braces. They transformed my smile because I wasn't happy with my smile. I was super happy with the results!

Calvin Hayes (6 Month Braces)
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6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I just got my Invisalign aligners fitted and I'm so happy to have them!

I looked at 3Dental's social media and thought the results were amazing! They (the Invisalign aligners) just blend in straight away!

Jill Connolly (Invisalign)
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Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

Why did I put this off for so long?!

It's definitely changed the way I feel. I feel delighted now with them! I'd never show my teeth (previously). And now I can smile!

Denise (6 Month Braces & Composite Bonding)
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6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

10 years later, I'm still going to 3Dental

It's an enjoyment coming here to the dentist. It's a very laid back, very comfortable, very friendly and very fun place to attend.

Paul Fitzgerald (Invisalign)
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invisalign testimonial - paul fitzgerald - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I had 6 month braces, teeth whitening and bonding.

It's (braces and bonding) really massively changed my life. I didn't realise how much more confidence would come with having a straight white smile.

Danielle Farrell (Braces & Bonding)
Watch Now
6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental Watch Video

What Our Patients Say

I was so much more confident!

I was so much more confident after getting my braces done. It makes such a big difference to your face and your teeth in general. You just feel so much happier and you are more conscious of minding your teeth. They are so worth it!

Louise Collins (6 Month Braces)
Watch Now
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental Watch Video
6 month braces testimonial - calvin hayes - 3dental
Jill Connolly - Testimonial - Invisalign - 3Dental
6 month braces testimonial - Denise - 3dental
invisalign testimonial - paul fitzgerald - 3dental
6 month braces, teeth whitening, bonding testimonial - danielle farrell - 3dental
6 month braces testimonial - louise collins - 3dental

Commonly Asked Questions

What Age Is Best For Braces?

You can get braces at any age. We recommend having a consultation with the orthodontist from as young as eight years old.

Some younger patients may require pre-orthodontic treatment to guide the jaw bone growth before we place the braces.

What Materials Do Braces Come In?

Silver metal or clear brackets.

The archwire is held in place by elastic bands. You can choose from a variety of colours for your bands.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Metal Braces?


  • Easy to keep clean 
  • Stain-resistant
  • More durable than ceramic brackets


  • More noticeable

What Conditions Can Fixed Braces Treat?

Braces can fix many orthodontic issues. They can align and level the teeth and correct problems with the bite.

We also use braces to treat malocclusions like overcrowding, spacing and impacted teeth.

How Are Train Track Braces Fitted?

Your dentist will glue one brace to every tooth and attach a wire along the braces using elastic bands.

By adjusting the tension of the wire between the teeth, we can use that pressure to guide the teeth into the desired position.

How Do I Clean My Braces?

Brush your teeth after every meal with a manual or an electric toothbrush.

You can use interdental brushes to get between your teeth where floss won't reach with braces on.

Are There Any Food Restrictions?

Yes, you should avoid hard foods like crispy rolls, apples, nuts and hard vegetables like carrots. These hard foods can break a bracket or force a brace to detach from your tooth.

Sticky foods like toffees can also have this effect on the brackets. You should also avoid sugary foods when possible.

Can Adults Get Train Track Braces?

Yes, we have many adult patients who are wearing braces, clear braces and Invisalign. Braces and Invisalign are suitable for all ages.

Are Normal Braces Better Than Invisalign?

There is no difference in the end result with train track braces or Invisalign.

Your dentist will advise you about the best options to achieve the desired result.

Are Train Track Braces Available Near Me?

Yes! We provide train track braces in each of our three clinics - Dublin, Limerick and Galway.

Book your free consultation today! We look forward to welcoming you in person soon :)

How Can I Reduce Any Discomfort From Train Track Braces?

Train track braces may cause early discomfort as teeth adjust. The following advice can help:
  • Eat softly: In the first few days following braces, eat soft, easy-to-chew foods. Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that can irritate.
  • Orthodontic wax: Apply a tiny quantity to braces that irritate or rub the cheeks or gums. This can reduce discomfort and avoid sore spots.
  • Rinse with saltwater: Warm salt water can relieve braces-related mouth discomfort.
  • Take over-the-counter painkillers: If mild pain persists, take paracetamol or ibuprofen as advised.

Ready for the Next Step? Book Your Free Consultation

Take the first step to straighter teeth. Book a free consultation today.

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